Menghilangkan Sidebar pada Halaman Tertentu

Posted by admin in

Kadang ada juga temen2 yang butuh cara buat memperlebar area posting. It means that we need to remove the sidebar/s. So if we click at posttitle, the main bar will be automatically larger than before and the sidebar/s will bedisapear. How Can We Do That?? Is that difficult??
mm..Not at all! If you Follow my instruction, it will be easy!
now i will explain you step by step.

  1. Log on your Blogger
  2. Klik Tata Letak, Edit Html
  3. Find </head>
  4. put this code right above
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "index"'>
    display: none !important;
    display: none !important;
    width: 900px;
  5. Save Changes and done.
1. the red code means CSS codes of Your template's side bars.
2. The blue code means CSS code of your template's main bar.
3. The Green code means the width of your main bar after.

Berikut ini juga saya sampaikan macam2 kode (b:if cond) yang saya tahu.
Silakan baca disini.

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